Sep 242011

So, despite my rather whiny-state the past couple of weeks, I do believe I’m over the shock.

However, not only have I had physical adjustment, but also there’s been a bit mulling through my head….

* I need a new job in the next 3-5 years. For now, I’m keeping my eyes peeled and deciding what exactly I am looking for, but it’s not what I’m doing at the moment. I need to be somewhere where my skills are appreciated and utilized. I need to be somewhere where I feel as if I am contributing to a greater change and not just another donkey making the mill go round…. So, I will work on my PhD. I will look to get involved in organizations and groups that will be relevant to my future goals. I will begin to seek out ways to make myself known and heard in venues that will be meaningful. Then, I will leave behind the zoo that I currently work in! πŸ˜€

* It may be time for me to travel less and save more money…. Dreaming of my retirement home in Hawaii and need to have these debts paid off to achieve that…. We’ll see as there are still a few more places to go before I’m totally content, but the time is comin’!

* Relationships…friends and lovers…

* Adoption/Being adopted/Writing about it all….

* If I die tomorrow, who will miss me and what will I have left behind…?

So, different topics all swimming around in my head. But, life could definitely be worse, so I’m trying to keep myself from falling into a low phase… Wish me luck!

 Posted by at 10:04

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