Everything goes up and down – life, work, relationships, moods, and so on.
I wanted to write more frequently, but then I sometimes feel uninspired. Sometimes I am not sure how much of my personal thoughts and life I should be sharing on this public arena. Then, I remind myself I’ve already shared bits here and there. Still, I keep a lot of things close to myself since who knows who is actually reading this blog or who might come across it and use it against me…?!
So, I’m never really sure. of. anything.
I signed up for a site that encourages you to write daily on your blog by giving prompts of topics to write about so that the habit of writing is developed. I was doing well over the summer finding random, meaningless things to share. However, once work started and chaos returned to my life, I fell behind. I thought with October beginning I would try again, but…I’m already a week behind…
Then, I tell myself – who cares if I’m behind? It’s not a race. There’s no reward or consequences if I miss a week, a day or even months. Why does it matter?
We get caught up in these cycles and allow external influences speed up or slow down these cycles – making me crazy, by the way.
So, if it’s not too cliche to jump on the repeated words of Steve Jobs over the last couple of days since his death, I’d like to step outside of the pressures and cycles of others and follow my own. If it makes me an outcast or if it causes me to seem a bit eccentric – why should I care? Who am I trying to please anyway?