May 252012

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a Worldโ€ฆ

_Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking_ by Susan Cain

When I am running on the treadmill I generally read since I’m not really in to watching TV and now it’s too hot to even think about going outside – not that I would anyway….

A while back, I saw a Ted Talk with the author on this book. Then, when I was in Philly a woman mentioned it in one of my workshops as a way of understanding people. So, I thought I would get it when I finished my last one.

I have always known that I am quite introverted and although I like to be social at times, I generally prefer to be in my own head. It was nice to read that I’m not totally crazy and that as I’ve often wondered, the world is not fair to those like me. We’ve known from the time of Freud and Jung that people are different with preferences on how social we want to be, yet somehow the world has lost balance in appreciating our differences.

Cain did a nice job of including all her research as well as interweaving stories of people she had interviewed about their extrovertness or introvertness. Although I admit I got a little worn out by the end of the similar arguments, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book for a few reasons: 1) I felt somehow validated to continue to be introverted, but with desired balance; 2) It’s a great resource to add to my reading list for my dissertation since it goes to recognizing and appreciating the differences in people as a leader; and 3) I just enjoy discussions sociological and psychological in nature. ๐Ÿ˜€

In any case, a very nice non-fiction read. It seems I’m on a non-fiction kick these days…. However, I have some fiction saved up on my iPad for the summer holidays! ๐Ÿ˜‰

More to come…


 Posted by at 09:38

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