Aug 312013


_Stillness Speaks_ by Eckhart Tolle

This is the last of the _Power of Now_ series, if that is what they are called. It was not nearly as interesting or ‘helpful’ as the other two were, but it did still remind me of the importance of being quiet. Mostly, the book reiterates what is said in the previous two books about knowing yourself, going beyond the ego, etc.

What I found most thought-provoking for myself was that as an introvert, I naturally do many of the suggestions or tips Tolle mentions. I analyze myself, watch and listen to others intently, ponder everything and constantly crave silence even from the voices in my head. So, I wonder if extroverts need the pointers in this book more than introverts? Would be an enlightening survey, no? πŸ™‚

Anyway, it was okay, but really the best part was that it was short and quick to read!

-T πŸ˜€

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