Nov 222013

Yep, so like I said, once I do something a couple of times, my body figures out the habit expectation. This morning, I awoke at 5:48am and without hesitation I was out of bed and eager to get my writing on. That’s not to say I won’t be back in bed soon, but it is good news for my writing habits.

This morning I submitted a few more writing proposals, so now I shall wait and see.

One person did write me back to get a voiceover sample, so I will do that a bit later after I am more awake. Also, other options in writing and education are coming to me allowing me the choice to do them or not. My journal writing this morning made me wonder if, indeed, the life coaching is working in this area – drawing more opportunities my way by sending energy out that I am open to it? In any case, I am feeling happy with things in this area.

Yesterday, we had a rare rainstorm pass through. It was pretty amazing causing a great deal of craze with both the locals and expats who are missing their grey and gloomy homes this time of year. As for me, I just wanted to be off the roads from the crazies (can’t count the number of accidents we saw or heard about), but it was definitely a nice change of pace.

21-Nov-2013 06:41, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 400
21-Nov-2013 06:41, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 125
21-Nov-2013 06:42, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 100
21-Nov-2013 06:42, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 4.28mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 100

Thankfully, today is another beautiful day in the desert!

– T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:43

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