Feb 242014

I am still enjoying the feeling of calm and joy from the other night. No, I’m not talking about sex. πŸ˜› I’m talking about having an over four-hour night of engaging conversation over dinner and coffee with a friend.

Most of my really good and true friends are the people in my life with whom I can talk on and on for hours. Take my BFF, for example. We can have marathon sessions of conversation – on the phone, in person, over chat. It’s easy and fun. We never get bored or need other forms of entertainment when we are together – we ARE the entertainment. πŸ˜‰

The other night I met a friend whom I hadn’t seen or caught up with since before Christmas. We have been friends a long time and it was the first time we had seen each other since the break up. He is also friends with R and has seen us from the beginning to the end. It is usually a good time conversing when we get together, but Friday night was something special – and I don’t mean in any way other than a peaceful joy. We met for dinner and then decided to continue with coffee/tea. The stores started shutting down when I asked for the time as it seemed early still. It was nearly 11pm! We had met around 6:30!!! It was such a shock and so far past my usual bedtime, yet I hadn’t once felt tired.

It was really lovely to have an intellectual and heart connection like that. It’s rejuvenating to the soul when that happens. Since my BFF and I are not in the same country it is harder to fill that void of a kindred spirit. Although, no one can ever replace her in fulfilling that space, I am grateful that now and then I can gain some elements of it from my friends here. <3

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:10

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