Jun 302016

Day 5:  What sound are you grateful for today?

This is an interesting question. I have often wanted to be deaf so that I could tune out sounds – people talking, children crying, road construction buzzing, horns honking, and the like. I get overwhelmed by sounds; thus crowded spaces heighten my anxiety levels and when I get a bit tipsy the first signal I get to make me stop drinking more is the increased volume level of the room. Perhaps nowadays I would get diagnosed with sensory overload sensitivity or something like that. So, a sound to be grateful for…? I do like music. I like almost all music. However, does that qualify as a particular sound? Or, can I get away with saying that I am grateful for the sound of silence? Is that considered a sound? I am going to say it is and go with the fact that I thoroughly enjoy silence and am grateful for the lack of sounds. πŸ˜›


Well, I thought that things were settling down, but while I try to draw the energies of calm and consistency, my husband draws the energies of chaos and fluctuations. At the moment, his energies are more powerful – to my great dismay. I am not quite certain how to ‘fight’ or at least bring a better balance to our conflicting energy patterns, but it needs to happen for my sanity.

Our move-in date has been pushed back by two weeks due to some delays and the upcoming Eid holiday here marking the end of Ramadan. Since the government has provided a week-long holiday to the private sectors everything is delayed. After that, my hope is that life will begin to return to some sense of normality!

In the meantime, we are considering other big decisions. As if moving was not enough for us to think about…!

So, there are quite a few uncertainties at the moment. It is not ideal for someone like me. Whenever I bring this up, I am made to feel that I am being overly dramatic about it all or that I am the one who is crazy…. Therefore, I wonder how much more I can take to push me over the edge into complete insanity…! Or maybe, I am just being crazy dramatic about it all…? πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:35

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