Jul 102016

So, I am not at all political. I do not read the news except for an occasional moment when I think I should be more aware. I joke (truthfully) that all I need to know about the world is on Facebook – or my husband tells me. πŸ˜› 

As I do my best to ignore the amazing racist activities going on around the world in countries that are supposed to be the leaders of the globe, it is hard to shut my eyes and ears to everything. 

If the point of attempt to avoid separation and division then why is #blacklivesmatter being promoted? 

Now I am not saying the atrocities that are happening currently or have occurred in the past are not worthy of frustration, anger and sadness. They are beyond words. However, this constant rhetoric around who matters more or less is not what we should focus on. 

All lives matter. The Asian-American communities are not out there protesting, inciting rage or blaming the white people for their problems. The Hispanic community is the same. There might be pockets of outbursts but just because they are not out causing the media to take notice does not mean they also do not suffer or the many other micro-communities around the world. 

All lives matter. When we ALL stop to get some perspective and realize this truth, then maybe just maybe then we can have real meaningful and purposeful conversations to achieve peace amongst mankind. 


Day 15:  What season are you grateful for?

While I realize that this question is probably referring to one of the four seasons that few are lucky enough to experience full cycles of year to year, I am choosing to use the meaning of season as a period of time. The “season” or period of time that I am most grateful for is one of peace. This is usually experienced for some time after a period of war. Populations are decimated relieving the earth of stress in its resources. Countries are devastated and thus people focus together to rebuild and restore. These are the times when mankind comes together and lives in peace. 

In our current state of rage, hate and anger around the world it is building to a boiling point. It is frightening and yet perhaps we need it so that we can return to a time of peace. 😐

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:31

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