Oct 232016

I realized that I have never really explained properly here what I have chosen to do with my life since quitting. I think I said I would update later and then never did as our lives have been on a bit of a roller coaster since I quit working full-time.

Therefore, let me explain.

Although I have never truly wanted to run my own business, I have always wanted to be free from the authoritative rule of others. To achieve this, being one’s own boss generally comes with the starting of a business. When I started training for coaching and then yoga, I realized there was something there for me that would also combine my nearly two decades worth of teaching experience.

Talent development and wellness training is both ambiguous enough and trendy enough to encompass what The OSH Network has become. Just over two months have passed since I launched my business with a lot of networking activities that I have written about, social media work and collaborations. In this time, I am happy to say that I am half-way to my set goal for the number of clients/sessions per week that I want to have. Also, if I include my tutoring work that I am continuing to do, I am just a little bit short of making the same ‘take-home’ pay as I did working full-time. Thus, I call this success already! 😛

Not really having any idea of what I am doing business-wise, I am going with my gut on the business development. So far, I feel like I am on the right path and not stuck yet. If that happens, I will look for a coach or someone to help me, but for now, all is moving along nicely.

I also have another potential source of income in the works once my visa is completed, so all-in-all I cannot say that I regret by any means having quit working full-time. While it may be easy to say that if I had known the last five months would have been as they were I might have waited to quit, I think that there would never be a good time to make such a leap. It really does require some faith to believe that such kinds of ventures will succeed. 😀

So, that’s the business update. I will try to share more on that as developments occur – or just follow the business site (linked above) and get updates on your own!

~T 😀

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