Oct 252016

It has been a busy couple of days. So much so that I totally forgot about writing yesterday – also because my “screen time” routine has been unsynced due to my usual locale for such work being out of Internet commission. πŸ™

Being the creature of habit and liking things to be “perfect” that I am, makes adjusting to slight changes such as this rather difficult. I have already shared how bad I am at change… 

Aside from the technical issues, I have actually been busy as well. When I say busy I do not mean exhausted, omg “I am so busy” busy. πŸ˜› Rather, I mean filling my time with a lot of activities. πŸ˜€

It is surprising how quickly the days pass without really knowing how. I mean when I worked full-time I could not have been more aware of what I did in a day that would make me feel exhausted. However, now I am certain I do a ton more and yet happily forget all that I have done. πŸ˜‰

Therefore, to miss to a day of writing makes me feel a bit regretful while at the same time joyful knowing why a day has passed without it. 

In the end I will always come back to my writing. Eventually, I will be needing some major down time from all this “busyness”!!! πŸ˜›

In the meantime, I’m loving life! 

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 17:40

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