Feb 212017

Today I realized it has now been about 10 days since I went to the gym or felt as if life was ‘normal’. 😳 It is quite amazing how easily life can become unbalanced in just the smallest of ways yet enough to tip the scales. βš–οΈ

I imagine my exhaustion both physically and mentally is also a long-term result from various sources.

Usually, I do notice that I cannot do any physical practice until mid-week after a yoga training weekend, so this is about on par for the norm. However, not getting to the gym and wanting to hibernate is probably also related to our grey skies lately….🌬

In any case, I do feel as if I am finding my feet again back on the ground. Having a few days of just a couple of outside activities has helped. I have cancelled most extra curricular activities that are not related to tutoring or yoga. So, am hoping that by the end of the week I can get myself back to normal. I may even try to get myself to the gym tomorrow – key being ‘try’!

Anyway, deep breaths and an open mind are definitely helping to clear the clouds from my head if not with the weather! πŸ’¨πŸŒ«

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:51

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