Mar 012017

I have noticed lately or acknowledged lately the truth – there is a lot of anger in the world…especially these days. However, I ask for what?

Facebook is covered with loads of posts about being anti-current-US President, which is fair enough. I very much disagree with his decisions, tactics, words, and public persona. I do not know him as a person nor have I seen any aspect of him on a personal level to make a judgment one way or the other of him as a human being. Still, I cannot say that I like what I do know of him.

At the same time, he is still a human being and he is still the US President, so there is no need to harbor anger. Maybe we can be worried, maybe we can protest in hopes of positive actions, maybe we can be activitists in truly making the world a better place, but none of these methods require anger.

On the other side, there is so much anger towards those who are angry. 

I sent my mother a text message during the Oscars to see if she was watching. After all, I had just posted about how it makes me feel a piece of home and it was always something she and I enjoyed doing together – whether or not it meant anything to her or if she realized it meant anything to me. I got no response until later in the day before I was heading to bed. The vitriol and anger that came through in just a message was shocking to me. In fact, I still have not replied because I hardly know what to say. While a part wants to be flippant or make a joke, the other feels sadness at the negativity that surrounds people like her.

Then, last night I saw a post on Facebook responding to the muck up at the Oscars for Best Picture. Likely, a very honest mistake was made. Did it symbolize a great deal of human emotion surrounding racism, and our current political state? Yes, of course. However, there is just no need in my mind to post such angry words or to promote a continued battled between the races, between human beings. 

We all have to live in this world. We all, in some way or another, want to make the world a better place according to our perspective, stance and experiences in this lifetime. In order to achieve this, we need to let go of the anger and negativity that festers inside our hearts and minds. Cancer grows from these darkest spots of our souls. Worse yet, it is not necessary.

I believe in action. I believe in positive action resulting in positive results. We can be outspoken and opinionated without releasing negative energies or pointing fingers at individuals, groups, races or countries. Our world can change, but the only way it will succeed is through the virtues of love and compassion.

We humans need to simmer down, let the pots stop boiling so that there is enough time and ability to see all the goodness that lies inside each of us. Then, together we can walk into the light of joy in this world. β˜€οΈπŸ™πŸ½

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:07

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