Mar 022017

The other morning M stepped on the scale realizing that his weight has fluctuated towards the heavier side again. It is easy to do when we stop thinking about our food intake and he does not like to go to the gym….

Although we have gone through different phases of exercising together, I came to the realization that it is no fun for either of us for me to nag him as it is really up to him to exercise or not. Therefore, I am always looking for ways to adjust our diet to balance this out.

A while back I started to see some posts with a common friend about his weight loss. It seems he started on The Plan. 

After seeing his results, I decided to get the book on my Kindle and see what it was all about. Plus, I do love a new nutrition challenge. 

Basically, it seems that this is about finding out what foods the body reacts to that will cause it to inflame, resulting in weight gain. With three days of a cleanse to ‘reset’ the body, we slowly introduce back in our ‘normal’ foods and see if there is a reaction to it.

For the first three days, M lost weight, which two-thirds was probably water weight. However, today he woke up to the scale having put on weight, which may have been a result of the chicken that we added to our meal last night. It will require testing again by going back for a day to the neutral meals and then trying it again to see what happens. 

The challenge is the weekend and the fact that we both have plans to go out, drink a bit and see friends. So, I will do my best to ensure that we stay somewhat on task.

Also, I have found so far that I am quite hungry on this way of eating as I do workout regularly and require a great deal more protein/food to get me through the day. Surprisingly, or maybe not, I have not lost any weight nor gained. I really am not looking to lose much, but am hoping that at minimum I will see what my body reacts to and at most maybe just drop a few small pounds! πŸ˜›

So, this is just an intro to the book and our working through it as I have not completed reading it yet or have we made it through our 20 days. When we do get there, then I will write up a full review. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

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