Aug 022010

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen

_Mennonite in a Little Black Dress:Β  A Memoir of Going Home_

My friend in NYC is an editor for Henry Holt and she gave me this book when we caught up after four years. She edited this book and she said it was a funny story that she thought I might like. While I’ve become more interested in contemporary fiction, I do find myself drawn to the memoir genre, so I was interested in reading it. Also, it’s on the NY Times Bestseller’s list, so it couldn’t be so bad. πŸ™‚

In fact, I loved this book! It was hilarious, deep and well-written in every way imaginable. Rhoda Janzen has a gift of storytelling that comes through in her journey of healing from a divorce and accident to reconnect with her family and traditions. While finding a balance between Mennonite traditions and her more liberal/independent lifestyle, Janzen tells her story with humor and humility. I smiled, laughed and was totally engaged throughout her story – so I highly recommend it as a read especially for women.

It seems that I’m reading more books about going through divorce or healing from it or relationships by women of my age or slightly older. It’s nice to feel a connection and understanding through these stories. Now, I’m even more drawn to write my own stories, but I don’t know that I have such a gift…. In any case, I was inspired by this book, which doesn’t happen often, so I’m glad that I was able to read this book as I might not have done so unless it had been given to me!

Thanks, Helen!!

More to come…


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