Jul 262024

Life is complicated and a roller coaster at times. Is it this way for everyone, or do other people have stable mental states and day-to-days? Would I want that even if I could? – Probably not.

Nothing is wrong, per se. All is well physically, financially, etc. Yet, my mental state is jumbled.

I’m a combination of bored and lonely, more with a sense of isolation than being on my own or without friends. I lack intellectual stimulation and outlets. Sure, I would say a lot of this is of my own creation due to being introverted or less tolerant of people. However, some of it is also just not having enough to engage my mind on a daily basis.

This is proven in the fact that I’ve read three books in a week. I also have two Italian books, and three more books on the go from audio, digital and paper. On top of that, I write blog posts, poems daily, and a smattering here and there. So, it’s not a lack of input or activity, just that it’s not enough overall.

There’s a vibe that comes from life in a city. Even if I don’t engage with other people directly, I can thrive on the energy of others in the space of a cafe, a shop, the streets. In the countryside, I hide from the heat, the bugs, the allergies, the sounds of the country. It’s just harder for me to find my place, which I’m sure may seem crazy to many.

So, I’ve been working toward changing that. I recently returned to doing pottery and think I can do that regularly again, which makes me SUPER happy. I’ve also joined an online book club and decided to do a training course that will last two years starting in February. Plus, we’ve got trips planned and other activities coming up soon. It’s all on a positive trajectory.

I think I had no idea how hard it would hit me having to sit around doing little in the midst of one of the hottest summers (Julys) in Italy on my own whilst the final stage of my ankle healing happened. I thought it would be easy to endure a few weeks, but I was wrong.

Not being able to jump in cooling waters or shower properly or sleep comfortably definitely takes a toll. Sitting in a cool, dark room many days in a row is not conducive to bright and happy mental health.

The impact of these past few weeks is hitting its peak now. M and I are arguing over things. He thinks I’m just unhappy with life; thus, him. I think he’s being self-centered as my mood has nothing to do with him. We argue, yet nothing positive changes. So, we argue again. It’s just a passing moment, I know.

What I don’t know is how long it will last. I have no idea if I will soon be in a better mood or if it’s a matter of waiting for the season to change. So, while I/we suffer through the unknown, I shall read more books, write, and take it one day at a time.

~ T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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