Aug 162024

It’s been a little quiet here the last week or so as I was with guests, then headed to France for a few days to see friends and enjoy the sea.

There is something different in the vibe and energy with those in the Var, where I go to visit. Perhaps, it is the closeness to my age or a similar outlook to life. I’m not sure, but I do often feel refreshed when I come back from catching up with my friends there.

This time, I only stayed a few days as I had initially planned to spend a few days on my own in Nice to do some writing and relax.

A certain someone decided somewhat last minute that he was feeling ‘needy’ and flew up to join me for the Nice days. We had a lovely time with a full day at a Le Negresco Beach Club, then a half day after the Lorgues market with our friend at Barco Beach Club in Sainte-Maxime. These moments of sea water, sunshine, and sand gave me a refreshed feeling.

Summers used to be my favorite season, but I think what made it so was that I could go to the seaside. There’s something soothing about the enormity of the ocean, the vastness of the sand made up of millions of pieces of shells and rocks, and the endless open skies into the unknown horizons.

It calms me to be tiny in the great big world, to blend into the nothingness, to feel absorbed.

So, now we are back for a couple of weeks to catch up on normal life and get a little ahead of things before we head off again. I’m enjoying the routine, but also looking forward to the next escapade.

~ T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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