Sep 022024

I know I’m due to write an update from our trip to Croatia, but I’m still catching up from it having just returned late-ish last night. So, will aim to get it posted for Friday.

In the meantime, can you believe it’s already September?

Funnily enough, M had said when we got back in February from Australia that we didn’t have much travel planned for the rest of the year. At the time, he was right. However, we are now on a pretty solid every two weeks or so travel schedule. At least we are home for about three weeks this month, so that’s nice.

Perhaps because we do travel so much, I struggle with a little bit of return home from travel blues. Part of it is because apart from our house, pets, and each other, I have little else that excites me to being in this location. Generally, I enjoy seeing the people we meet up with when that occurs, but even after nearly three years, I don’t feel that most are friends.

I feel as if I’m a fairly low-maintenance friend. In many of my friendships, I feel as if I am the one who initiates interaction and engagement. This has been the case most of my life. Some might say it is an adoptee-thing, while others might just attribute it to my nature of being quietly thoughtful of others. Whatever it is, I have become less enthusiastic playing that role as I get older. I want friendships that are mutually initiated and engaged.

The fact is that I do not need to hang out all of the time nor necessarily be in contact constantly. But, I do appreciate consistency in effort and agreement to get together. I don’t want to feel as if I am always the one reaching out to make plans or forcing presence on others.

So…I feel as if I am still trying to find my tribe. I suppose it’s just the nature of my chosen and preferred lifestyle. Perhaps, it is my age. Maybe, it’s just me.

In any case, September is here and cooler weather is on its way. That alone makes me very happy!

~T ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‰โ™‹๏ธ

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