Aug 282011

This is a bit random, but this article on 8Asians (again) reminded me about struggling with issues of make-up.

I have long since given up on the idea of eye make-up and wear a minimal amount in general despite being told by a few older Asian ladies that I am beyond the age of needing to be wearing more make-up. πŸ˜› I wear enough, I think!

Anyway, something that has long bothered me (among a number of topics!) is the fact that all fashion magazines neglect showing the Asian face. From how clothes will look on me to how to wear make-up, I never had models that I could relate to. While magazines are starting to show more of the Asian face, they still use models who are more “white” than Asian.

Many Asians actually have monolids (if you don’t understand, check this site out), not the double-lids of the preferred models. Therefore, wearing eye make-up is a totally different experience. Not just eye shadow, but mascara as well. In my case, my lashes fold under rather than out, thus if I wear mascara it tends to rub on my cornea rather than flowering out nicely to flirtatiously flutter at a cute guy. πŸ˜‰

Lately, I have taken more effort to embellish my lashes (don’t know why), but still eye shadow remains unattainable. I just do the eyeliner and try to enhance other parts of my face that are flattering….

Anyway, a lot of dribble about this, but the article sort of re-surfaced some of my angst on this issue. πŸ˜€

More later,




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