Aug 272011

Before the summer holidays began we moved apartments from our downtown Al Serkal Towers building to uptown Guardian Towers.

Sometime in March, R and I decided that we would move in together since we were always together anyway and spending the nights at one or the other apartment all the time. Since I have had roommates from the beginning, I moved to his place and continued to open my apartment up to guests.

Since the university is opening a new campus off the island and near the airport, HR at work had been busy trying to find new places for people to have an easier commute to the new campus come fall. For whatever reason, our building was one of a few to be fully vacated by the university employees and so we were all offered various options for relocation. Thanks to a lovely friend and colleague, the Guardian Towers opened up as a brand new building complete with a rooftop pool and gym!

So, we moved! Our living situation is the same. The apartments are slightly smaller (much smaller than my old one, but more maintainable) and it is sooooo nice to be out the old neighborhood! There is even underground parking so no more hassles with fighting to find a reasonably close space. πŸ™‚ All-in-all, it is a good move and it’s nice to start anew in our home together. πŸ˜€

Here are some pics of the new place.

Al Serkal to Guardian Towers

We are still putting some small touches to settling in, but you get the gist!

More to come,


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