Dec 202011

Well, this vacay has been slow to feel like a vacation with our visitor here. She’s been a nice one so far and though everything has been quite low-key, I have realized that I need a lot of ‘me-time’ in order to relax and enjoy vacation. That hasn’t really happened yet….

However, I am getting things done here and there. I’ve gone to pottery and am going again today. So, it’s not all about entertaining our guest. I’m just spoiled.

One problem is that my sleeping is up and down. Yesterday, I slept like a baby through 10 hours. Last night, I woke up every two hours or so until I finally got about 5 straight. So, today I’m a bit on the groggy side. Hopefully, the sleeping will start to regulate soon!

Well, that’s my update. Sadly, still nothing interesting to note!

 Posted by at 08:39

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