Nov 272008

I have come full circle since my first posting from Korea this trip. I am now on the bus back to the airport.

The weather is a strong contrast with rain and cold approaching to when I came with warm sunshine.

Like camp, the time spent with Kim was like a dream and it hardly seems that 7 years had passed since our last meeting. Hopefully not so much time will pass next time.

So I ate, slept, drank and relaxed. I also met some interesting people and gained a new perspective on adoption and adoptees that I will still need to digest.

I’m happy I came and sense I will be back….

Sent from my iPhone

 Posted by at 10:35  Tagged with:

  One Response to “Korea: Day 5”

  1. so glad you came here… and yeah the only difference btwn now and when we were 9 yrs old was the tequila… sort of

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