Jan 252012

I know I have the kind of job where I can’t really complain since it comes with a lot of vacations and such compared to most. However, I maintain that the work that I do is compacted into very full days, thus fully justifying the time off.

Take, for example, exam week of HELL:

*Yesterday the day began with a writing norming session to ensure we are all marking in a standard way, which is a waste of time since we all end up marking as we do regardless. Then,Β I invigilated for two two-hour exams. This doesn’t mean I can just sit at the front of the room, play games and let the students take an exam. It means I have to collect the exams a half-hour beforehand, check the classroom, check that all exams are in order and students names’ are correct. Then, I write information on the board and try to get the students to sit where I tell them to and shut the f*** up! Then, tests are distributed, yelling ensues to scare the shite out of them to get them to stay quiet with the threat of failure for cheating. Once the exams have begun, I have to fill-in the seating chart, note which test version the student has, be aware of the time every 10 minutes to change the note on the board and, of course, keep them from opening their traps. Once the exam is finished, I collect them, put them in order, count to make sure all tests are back and sigh in relief that the monsters can leave the room.

To invigilate my second test yesterday, I got to skip out on the first bubble-marking (see below), but we had another two-hour exam this morning.

Then, the real fun began. I went to a meeting to check the hand-written answers and bubble in ‘C’ or ‘I’ at least 30 times and then double-checked another teacher’s checking another 30 times (minimum). We did this for two exams (yesterday was two as well) and that’s the easy part! Next I was finally able to begin marking the writing for 16-18 students. Once I completed that, I marked 18 exams from yesterday’s second invigilation.

These must be double-marked. Therefore, tomorrow morning after our norming session for the Speaking exam to happen next Sunday, we will be doing the second marks for another set of 16-18 students. Thankfully, Sunday’s marks will be finished by the end of the day since we score as the students speak!

After all that, we have to enter grades and submit passes or fails within a day…..

If you’re tired just reading all this, imagine what it’s like doing it! πŸ™‚ I’d much rather have a full day of teaching than this nonsense.

Anyway – end of whinge! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 16:11

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