Feb 262013

Yes, it is true…in my attempt to focus more on my dissertation, the more I write on my blog(s).

I am on the literature review chapter, which should consist of about 60 pages. Yep, you read that right. So…how much have I written? As I type this…zero, zero, zero. By the time this posts, I am hoping it will be more than this. (Remember, one is more than zero! :P)

However, I have been reading and I DO have a pretty good outline done. So…now I just gotta fill in the words. πŸ˜‰

On the flip side, it is nice to get back to my writing. I have even started to write more on my professional blog because I thought maybe it is time for me to put myself out there as someone or at least someone trying to do something! So, we shall see how long this writing spurt lasts…, but the main writing focus really should be on my last big chapter. After this one, I only have the conclusion and then massive revising to do….

It is nice to see the end in sight, but hard to keep myself on that final push forward. There’s so much I want to do when this degree is finished and most of it doesn’t involve the degree. hahahaha. Still, I know I can get a better job and that, my friends, is the ultimate goal!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:17

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