Strangely, I feel less hazy on the higher dosage. Maybe by this afternoon that will change as I notice I do get a little bit more tired. In any case, no side effects that I can see so far and I think I am calmer, but can’t say for sure. I will just have to be more watchful.
Anyway, this weekend passed so quickly. I feel as if I still need another couple of days to rest at my own pace. Friday was good for that, but then yesterday got me a bit wound up again. So, hopefully that won’t stick.
This morning, I got up and used the treadmill again for the first time in a while. I’m thinking I may do a mix of the walking/running followed by a quick swim since the weather is rapidly heating up. I need to get myself back in shape at the very least before summer. That way I can feast while at home! Haha.
‘Tis all for now…
-T π