May 102013

There is really nothing as wonderful as a tasty margarita at the end of a long week.

The times when I have gotten really drunk or pass out early are when I have not eaten enough during the day. I can often forget to have proper food throughout the day when I get super busy. Yesterday was one of those days I had 5-hours of teaching, plus visited another class and was tired as it was that I took a nap under my desk for a half hour. That left very little time for drinking water and eating. Surprisingly I was not that hungry throughout the day since I had had coffee and a smoothie. Plus, I ate some bread roll that my students had given to me. So, it felt like enough.

After almost finishing our second glass, I got up and realized just how buzzed I was. It was a quick downward spiral from there. I managed to get some food into me, before passing out on the couch for an hour or so before R told me to go to bed. It was only 9:30pm when I looked at the clock as I rolled into bed not to stir again until almost 8:30 this morning.

So, not only was I clearly drunk, but I was definitely tired as my previous post noted. πŸ˜‰

Now that I have gotten what seems like enough rest with very little of a hangover (there might be a tinge of a headache in there), I am settling in to do some studying before I head off to Dubai for the ballet tonight. A girl cannot work all day and night after all! πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:52

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