Jun 232013


_The Great Gatsby_ by F. Scott Fitzgerald

With the movie coming out, I thought that I should actually read this often-talked about classic. While I did not actually finish it before I saw the film, I was not disappointed by any gaps between the film coverage of the story.

I have not read much literature from this time period as I never really got into the American authors from this time. However, as I get older I guess maybe I’m more prepared to read their work. Occasionally, I think I want to read more, but then I change my mind. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I don’t really need to give a synopsis of the story since the movie is available now and in today’s media-saturated world, the film will probably be more known than the book in the future.

It was a good story. Some people had said that they had really hated reading it in high school. I feel as if I might have been one of those people had I been forced to read it. Kind of how I feel about Melville’s _Billy Bud_. Still, I am appreciating simpler days when life was still complicated, but with the simpler matters of life – relationships, love, growing up, and life.

-T πŸ˜€

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