Aug 202013

In case the preview post has been keeping you up wondering what it is a preview of….

For a while I have been contemplating another tattoo and known that I wanted something that would go nicely on my shoulder. It was a bit of a dilemma since my other two tatts are located in places that are easy to hide. Also, there’s that part of me that thinks I may someday return to Japan and my love of onsens might be more limited having a very visible tattoo. However, in the end I decided that I would deal with the what ifs when they become reality. For now, I really wanted to get the new tattoo. ๐Ÿ˜‰

13-Aug-2013 19:58, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 2.18mm, 0.059 sec, ISO 250
13-Aug-2013 19:58, Apple iPad mini, 2.4, 2.18mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 200

It is now starting to peel, so it’s not a good pic to take, but will take one later after it is all healed up. ๐Ÿ™‚

-T ๐Ÿ˜€

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