Jan 152014


For a while I have been following this website, Mind Body Green, ย on FB, thanks to my friend P.

Most of the articles are very interesting and are featured in the different categories – your mental health, your physical health and your eating health. They keep you interested by recycling the same posts now and then with different titles.

My crazy yoga teacher said something interestingly true last night. We know how to take apart all of these complicated technical things like computers or cars, but we have limited understanding of our own bodies that we live in every day. We take our bodies for granted and treat it the worst of everything around us.

It made me think about how we treat others. How can we treat others well and truly love them if we do not do the same to ourselves?

A friend of mine is considering the idea of being compassionate to oneself. He said he had no idea what that meant and knew that he was not so to himself. This article this morning gives some help with this idea.

As I think about how much I pamper myself and how I try to stay positive, I realize that this is all part of being able to give and love others. I did not grow up liking myself much; therefore I pretty much hated everybody else. As I have gotten older and come into my own, I am also able to give more to those around me.

Strangely, the ideas of yoga or inner spiritual quests never resonated with me before. It was easier to believe in God or a greater being who loves me, than to start within. However, I think that starting within just might be the true key to happiness. See, all those Ekhart Tolle and philosophy reading does pay off! ;P

-T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 05:49

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