Aug 262014

1. I am gratefulย that the week is half over! ๐Ÿ˜› It has been nothing but go-go-go since Sunday….

2. I am grateful that my bf is back and that I also had the chance to miss him. It’s not that I was taking him for granted by any means, but usually I am the one who is traveling and though I miss him then it is not the same as being the one left in normal life. So, I was glad to get a different perspective and to also realize that he really is an important part of my life.

3. I am grateful to have a wonderful working relationship with my friend and colleague, T, since we have really needed to be on the same page so far this week. So far so goooooood! ๐Ÿ˜€

Phew! What a crazy first three days of work. It’s been nearly back-to-back meetings on top of trying to catch up with friends/colleagues on top of normal life on top of my PhD! [Yeah, don’t ask me how well that’s going at the moment! :|]

In any case, I am hoping [HOPING] it will slow down after tomorrow and then I can settle into class routine and finish this stinking dissertation because at the moment I might freak out!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ [crazy faces]

Break over.

More to come,


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