Aug 272014

1. I am grateful that today passed successfully surpassing even my high expectations.

2. I am grateful that I was granted money back on a scam that I fell for…long and silly story, but no harm no foul. πŸ˜‰

3. I am sooooo grateful that tomorrow is the end of the week so that I can do some PhD work!


It was a gooooood day. My colleague and good friend and co-teacher and co-coordinator, T and I ran our first big meeting for the course we are leading. The meeting went well and everyone seemed fairly pleased with what we had to offer. Even my ex-bf and staunch critic gave us a huge thanks, compliments and led a round of applause. That’s HUGE! So, we are both feeling pret-ty good about things now. πŸ™‚ Phew, too!!!

So, now that is done with. Tomorrow I have to meet my supervisor to talk about the drama at the end of last term and what’s coming up next. I need to remember to stay gracious and humble through it all. It was my fault and so I need to own up to that without falling under the temptation of making excuses or laying blame…even IF blame can be laid. πŸ˜›

Overall, things are quite good. I’m feeling pretty happy these days, which is helping me to return focus on that little ol’ dissertation thingy. Speaking of…!

More to come,


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