May 092015

The importance of space and time is often so misunderstood and under-appreciated. If I say that I’m an introvert to an extrovert, they may think that I’m just being selfish and giving myself a ‘title’ to justify it. Yet, an extrovert who needs to be social without an interest in space and time will never deem him/herself as selfish or justified. It’s just ‘normal’.

While I do not philosophically believe in ‘all are created equal’, I do believe in ‘all deserve respect’. Perhaps those who want the world to be equal really just want the world to be more respectful? I know that is my preference for the world.

I believe greatly in the power of human beings. In that sense, I believe we all have within ourselves the ability to overcome any obstacle put in front of us whether it is classifiable as a ‘first-world’ problem or a ‘third-world’ problem. It is the individual greatness that makes humans so potentially amazing and also the most disappointing of truths.

This weekend has been both lovely and depressing all at the same time. For the first time in a while I again contemplated the world without me in it. It would go on. People I know would live on. Therefore, why should I carry so much heaviness in my heart for the remainder of my unknown days? Can someone as ‘damaged’ as I am truly ever be full of joy and blissfully happy? Or, do we accept that we just make the best of our days – just because?

I have no children. I do not currently have a husband. My friends are some of the most beautiful and amazing people on this earth, but they all have their own lives and purposes. What exactly is mine? How can I fulfill my previously discovered life purpose  – to be the spirit that inspires others to reach their greatest potential – if I do not know how to do this myself?

So, I go hm…. and let it go for another day to perhaps be answered…or continue the contemplation in streams of conscientiousness….

More to come,


 Posted by at 21:17

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