Sep 282015

I was writing in my journal today, which I must say I have been fairly diligent with suggesting that perhaps the ol’ pen and paper might not be dead yet, and happened to read back over the last 18 months.

It’s almost hard to remember what my life was like just a year and a half ago. I was in a different and unhappy relationship. I was working on a PhD that I was trying so hard to convince myself was worth finishing. I had nearly completed my coaching course. I had only begun to work fully in the CEI and my writing was sporadic at best.

Now, it’s a different story. My relationship is going strong and happily. I have given up the PhD in pursuit of other interests. I’m back teaching and realizing that I’m ready to take another path forward – CEI or not. My writing is becoming more consistent on paper, if not virtually – though this may start to change as I regain my motivation and focus…(don’t I always hope for this?!).

So, it’s nice to pause and take a moment to reflect on how different life was just a short time ago. It doesn’t have to happen just at the new year…! πŸ˜€

All is well and more will be coming…I think!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 18:02

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