Jul 172016


_The 4-hour Workweek_ by Timothy Ferriss

I mean how can the title of this book not interest you? Who doesn’t want to be able to work only four hours a week and still make a decent living?

Ferriss offers some very tangible and realistic ways to free up time or to use time efficiently to ensure that you have more time for the things that you want to be doing. He also gives good advice on how to make yourself valuable, but also making it possible to keep working while making money.

This along with training of the subconscious mind can really change the working playing field if one wants to make it work. I have already started to take some of his tips such as only emailing at certain times of the day or prioritizing tasks. While I am not yet at the point where I can justify a virtual assistant, I do see where I could potentially use one later when my business starts to kick off.

So, even if you think there is no way that this is an option for your life, I recommend reading Ferriss’s book and seeing what you might take away from it to make your days and life just a little more efficient allowing you more time to do the things you really enjoy. 😀


Day 22:  What story are you grateful for?

Story…the first thought that came to mind was to consider a story that my father used to tell around the campfire. What happened to that tradition? Now, I am one of the worst oral storytellers ever – my medium is the written word. However, I have always been in awe of those who can tell a story to entertain people at parties or around a campfire. I remember my dad telling me made up “native American” stories about the signs “Falling Rocks” or about historical events. So…one I am grateful for? Well, that I am not sure. I have honestly never thought to be grateful for a particular story. Thus, I think I am going to be grateful for the art of my father’s oral storytelling skill rather than a particular story since there are so many to choose from and I am not good at remembering just one. 😛

~T 😀

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