Jun 172016


_The Four Agreements_ by Don Miguel Ruiz

A while back a friend of mine gave me this book as she was required to read it for a leadership course she was taking.

Don Miguel Ruiz offers a great deal of wisdom in this book that is summed up by the image below:


Each one is explained in detail in the book, but living by these four agreements definitely puts a change on the lens in which you see other people, respond to them and live life in general. I believe there is a reason that number 1 is the first to work on as it seems to be the hardest for me. While I do generally try hard to be impeccable with what I say, I do find it easy to fall into gossip or to let loose a negative thought towards someone (especially driving on the roads in AD!). However, mastering this really allows for love and compassion to be present.

The other three are less challenging for me as coaching training has helped me with them previously. I am not saying that they come easily – just not as difficult as being careful with my words. πŸ˜›

Writing again definitely helps me to recenter and refocus on the words that I use and the effect they have.

So, as you go forward today, consider these four agreements, maybe even pick up this book and start to change your own lens of the world around you.

~T πŸ˜€

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