Jul 302016

“Worrying just attracts the things you don’t want” is a quote I saw either on FB or in one of my readings this summer. 

When I took up meditation and mindfulness last year M and I would joke that I was learning to “zen my sh*t”. While I still struggle with this and have off days I can definitely say that my mind has started to make a significant shift from stressing and worrying. 

A number of years ago I read _The Secret_ , which I had been skeptical about given its rather “airy fairy” hippy spiritual following. However, I discovered that the law of attraction is no joke. We can attribute it to God the father, or Allah or whom/whatever we feel most comfortable with in our spiritual world, but the concept of attracting what we spend time focusing upon cannot be denied as truth. 

This summer I have spent quite a bit of time considering the subconscious mind and testing the strategies of positive affirmations. I can honestly say that without this I would be writing suicidal thoughts, woe-is-me themed posts and pondering the stupidity of my actions. However, I am not doing this (am I?) and feel more optimistic than I have in a long time that M and I are on the road to wealth, success, health and prosperity. These are the words and thoughts that I try to focus on. 

When worry starts to enter my thoughts I ask myself the following:

  • Can I do anything about it?
  • If I can, what is my action to remedy the situation?
  • If I cannot, what is the use in worrying and possibly attracting more crap my way?

A bit of time focusing on breath, offering compassion to the world and trusting in what I do not know nor have control over helps me to find peace and calm.

The result is that I have not had a massive breakdown recently when I really should have; I am comforting my husband when he is stressed rather than adding to it; I am smiling as we prepare for the movers to deliver the first half of our things to our new apartment. 

Therefore, I believe I can confidently say that I am zenning my sh*t quite well! πŸ˜›  

~T πŸ˜€

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