Sep 062016

Aside from the unique stress caused byΒ our current life situation, I also have inner turmoil (a bit dramatic of a word?) regarding my change in lifestyle.

Yesterday I wrote about my recent dabblings into the world of networking and the dreaded ‘housewife’ world. These are just a glimpse of the many ways in which my mindset is being required to shift each day.

For example, I cannot quite decide if it is okay to relax on some days when I feel less motivated to do anything (like today) or if I should continue to push through to keep to a schedule that is almost as if I am working full-time. Or, should I start to adjust my regular schedule so that I can stay awake later to accommodate clients that are going to want evening classes and yet still wake up early to go to the gym with M and start my day as usual. Talk about first-world problems, eh? πŸ˜›

Mostly, I worry about finding myself busy at the expense of my sleep and health. Although I want to be able to meet the schedules of clients who probably will have full-time jobs and/or be more night people than I am, I also want to maintain what works for me, which involves getting at least 8 hours of sleep and having enough time to do my writing, house cleaning, exercising and other daily activities. I mean, if I wanted to work ‘hard’ I would have kept my full-time job, right?! 😐

Therefore, I have mulled over how to adjust my mindset a bit more. First, it might be that I have to force myself to make 10pm my bedtime instead of 9pm. This will give me an extra hour at night to allow for clients who might want a yoga session 7-8pm or something like this. Also, I want to continue to wake up with my husband to go to the gym, etc. Thus, this means that likely I will need to block off some time in the middle of the day for me to have a wee nap to ensure that I have the energy that I need for both the mornings and evenings. It reminds me of my schedule when I first arrived here…. πŸ™‚

Now, all I have to really consider is how to deal with days like today when I could have easily put on my sweatpants and hung around the house all day. The only real reason I did not is because there is no Internet or TV in the house to keep me there along with my inner voice telling me I have some things to get done today at least. Still, the other voice inside me says, what’s the point of being free if I cannot allow myself to decide in the morning to sit by the pool all day if that is how I feel?

Ultimately, I think it is just going to take me a little bit of time to get out of the mindset of a full-time worker. Probably once we have some normalcy in the rest of our lives then I can allow myself to relax and settle into this new mysterious world of the self-employed housewife! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

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