Jan 302017

It is really amazing how unsettling a change in schedule or special activities can be to a regular routine. Although I thankfully had an unexpected free morning yesterday it got swallowed up with catching up on the weekend activities.

Today, I also was provided with some free time which allowed me to get a bit ahead and now with my to-do list basically finished, I feel exhausted.

I feel as if I really need to schedule in a rest day given the fact that I will be busy all day Wed and Thu with Apple Training….Therefore, I have determined Friday afternoon as our treat of a brunch outing. I know it may not be considered a wise way to spend the little money we have, but hey, sometimes we need the little kernels to keep us going….

Anyway, should be okay tomorrow I feel – a little rest tonight will do me good!

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 16:40

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