Mar 262017

The male gender may not fully understand the art of the female chatter. However, the female chatter plays a very important role in working out different options for decisions to be made or to at least see different perspectives on possible options. Of course, at the end of the day things will happen as they are meant to be regardless of our desire to feel as if we are making any decisions for ourselves. πŸ˜‰ If you do not believe in fate or want to hold strongly onto the concept of free will, then chatter helps to determine our decisions.

Japan holds a very dear place in my heart. Not just because my family is here, but also because it is familiar. 

Still, as I consider what I would really like to be doing, it is not determined by a specific location or company. My heart wants to write for a living and to make that work for me. I want the freedom to be able to continue to travel but work or rather earn an income from wherever I am doing what I love most – writing. If I can write about travel and eating, well that would be the proverbial icing on the cake! πŸ˜›

So, while there are potential options here in Japan and I love the sense of normal that I feel being away from life is the desert, I still feel as if my priority is really on making an income from the movement of my fingers on a keyboard. To achieve this, I believe that I need to focus more on it and make it happen. Being an ideas person is not always a good thing if there is no follow through. Therefore, I need to start the follow-through on making this dream a true reality instead of just talking about it all the time here. πŸ™

The good thing is that through our girl chatter, I have come closer to narrowing in on taking actions. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:34

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