May 012017

I started reading the second book in the Outlander series. Before I watch the next season of the TV series, I want to read the book….

In the opening scene, the character is going through all the collected belongings of his recently passed away adoptive father. 

It started me thinking on our need to collect things and in some ways hoarde various objects. Is it necessary though? Do all these things in our lives make us happier?

Back when I read about the KonMari method and thought about what brings me joy, I did manage to get rid of a lot of things – clothes in particular, but there are still a lot of papers I have left to go through and free my life of.

It got me thinking though…. 

We are rarely lucky enough to know how long we are going to live or to foresee the future of events in our lives. For some of us, we may live to a ripe old age. Others of us may go tomorrow or sooner. When our time comes, there is no negotiating nor is there the luxury of taking care of business to wrap things up nicely. Although some may find out they have a terminal disease and are given time to do this, it is rare. 

So, if we know that it is more likely that we will not have the chance to tidy up our lives when we know our time comes, then doesn’t it make sense to live each day like you are dying today? 

Maybe we collect a few less things. Maybe we tell someone we love them now rather than later. Maybe we decide to let go and have fun. Maybe we stop worrying about what we cannot control. Maybe we just live today for all that its worth!

~T 😀

 Posted by at 13:50

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