Nov 262018

My all-time favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Although there is some controversy in recent years around the origins of the holiday, I ignore all the politicking of it and focus on what it means to me.

Some people argue that they like Christmas better because, in the US, it’s not that much different from Thanksgiving except that we exchange presents. However, for me the consumerism attitude is not necessary. Therefore, I prefer the third Thursday in November as my main holiday of the year.

Of course, as a lover of food, one of the best aspects of Thanksgiving is having delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans and the lot passed around the table.

Still, even better than the good food, is the great company. To me, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends-who-are-family. As I prepare dishes to share, I marinate in gratitude for these people in my life. I feel honored to have such a connection to those whom I call family and friends.

Over the years, I’ve shared Thanksgiving with not only Americans, but friends from around the world. It’s a time to enjoy being together.

It is also a time to reflect and express thanks for the many blessings in our lives. During the year, time passes quickly and lives are full with activities of worry or flurry. Thanksgiving is a day when we can stop, take a breath, and appreciate all that we have in our lives from the smallest of things to the greatest of joys.

So, although I was not able to be physically with my family to celebrate this year, I still shared my favorite holiday with those around me as we ate, laughed and were very merry for a day of Thanks-giving.

~ T 😀

Here are some photos from the day:

  One Response to “Turkey for Turkeys”

  1. Good to know you had a happy Thanksgiving, even if your in a different country. My grandaughter, son and I had a good time with just the three of us.

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