May 032019

Share a photo of your writing space

My writing space is almost always in a café – a Starbucks’ one at that.

Since most of my adult life has been spent away from my home country, I fell in love with the Starbucks’ experience early on when I felt homesick and craved the essence of America. Sitting in a Starbucks’ café would often satisfy that yearning just enough to keep me going.

One might suggest that lots of cafés can offer the same kind of experience, but I’m afraid I shall have to disagree. While I do enjoy the coffee (not so much the food), because I know I’ll always get decent coffee for a decent price, it is the space that brings me back every time. I can go to any location and know I can find a place to sit, work, and observe.

When I want to write, I like to be alone amongst many.

At a leadership training once, I found myself ‘profiled’ into a group of strong leaders who like to be behind the scenes. We were called the puppeteers because we could control the situation from above or behind.

This is true for me.

I like to sit and observe others. I write their stories in my head. Creating scenarios for people as they study, work, chat, read, or mutually stare at others feeds my creative monster that needs to write.

For some reason, Starbucks’ cafés attract a certain kind of person, so it is there that I feel the most comfortable.

Thus, it is in the midst of all the noises and passing of people that I often find my own world comes alive to write.

~T 😀

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