May 202019

Favorite writing blog or social media account

Honestly, I barely find time to write on my own blog or read headlines on the news each day that the idea of following other blogs is a bit overwhelming to me. Therefore, I am not really a blog follower these days. Though, I am open to ones that are amazing πŸ˜‰.

As for social media, I admit that I am rather egocentric when it comes to social media. I post with the belief and hope that people read my words to be interested in MY life. 😜 I half joke.

I follow a lot of social media accounts, but none in the world of writing ✍️ specifically. Recently, I did start following Elizabeth Gilbert on Instagram and would like to spend more time finding accounts like hers. So, I guess I’ll take today’s prompt as a push to do just that.

It’s going on my to-do list this week. πŸ“

So, learning point made! More to come!

~T πŸ˜€

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