May 212019

Share your favorite writing outfit

While some people say that dressing up each day is a way of having respect for a ‘work at home’ profession, I say ‘bollocks’ to that. 😜

I dress nicely when I go to the office because other people see me and I have an image of sorts to maintain. πŸ˜…

However, in my own home I prefer to be as comfortable as possible. Even on warm days, I find myself in a comfy sweatshirt and lounge pants on the cooler days.

My favorite color is purple so these are my favorite pants. Recently, I got a #lovesea sweatshirt and am in love with it!!! (Sidebar: I highly recommend it. You also contribute to saving marine life and help me as a brand ambassador. So, lemme know if you wanna get one!)

Anyway, it’s not usually about the clothes I wear that affect my productivity but maybe another prompt will address that! πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

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