May 232019

Share a story you wish you had written

I’m not actually sure what this prompt is asking. Is it asking for a story that is mine which I have not yet written, but wish I had? Is it asking for a story that is published that I wish I had written and published myself?

If it is the latter, that seems rather strange as it’s not my story, so why would I wish to have written it myself?

If it is the former, by sharing the story then does that mean I’ve made my wish come true? Hm…

In any case, the safer and more optimistic choice is the former. However, I don’t have enough time at this moment to share a full story. Rather, I shall do as I more often do – commentary on my thoughts around this. ๐Ÿ˜›

There are many stories that I wish I had written, but there are none that I can not yet write. Thus, my wish can always come true. For example, I still plan to share the stories of my final years in the desert. Or, I am working on how to share the story of my birth family search. Plus, I’ve got stories of my travels around the world.

In the future, I hope to tell other stories. The stories of my grandmothers are worth sharing as they fascinated me when they told them to me or I later heard about them. Very different women who still made a mark on their worlds.

So, there is no story that I wish to have written as I still can and will. There is no story that I wish to steal to say that it was mine because, well, it’d be a different story.

Hope that doesn’t ruin the prompt in any way… a cynic’s mind can never just make one clear-cut decision. ๐Ÿ˜‰

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

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