Jun 072019

Work has been busy this week, and so the evenings, when I usually write something here from my phone, have been more about relaxing or doing things other than writing.

However, I do not want to get out of the habit of posting, so today I shall ramble a bit rather than write with focus.

Sometimes, it is good to just share random thoughts – I mean not everything has to be profound, meaningful or purposeful, does it?

Anyway, the weather is grey. Apparently, rainy season is officially starting, which means days of rain and grey – it’s like being home. I usually last about two days in ‘enjoying’ it and then the complaining shall commence. πŸ˜›

I am actually trying to appreciate it as, so far, the temperatures have stayed down and I am not yet ready for the constant drippage that comes with the incoming heat and humidity. Silver lining?

“Teenage” ducklings

These days, I’m just enjoying the ‘every-day-ness’ of the changing seasons, which includes watching the ducklings grow.

~T πŸ˜€

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