May 262020

A while back one of my relatives on Facebook posted a video of this father-daughter duo singing “The Prayer”, which is one of my favorite songs.

For years, we have watched Claire and Dave Crosby sing. The cuteness factor along with the sweet naivety of a daughter looking up to her father were the main draw. We still enjoy watching them out of nostalgia, but the talent level is in a growing phase….

Therefore, the real beauty of The Shaws is that the talent between the two of them is pure. Also, the start of their fame has come from the basic desire of just wanting to sing. Even as you listen to their Q&A session (above), there is such humility and joy in what they are doing.

It reminds me of the joy I used to have singing. While I let myself be held back by my own shyness, fear, and introvertedness as a youth, I always felt free and peaceful when singing. Of course, I could still join a choir or sing more formally, but that’s not of interest at the moment.

Still, I think the joy of turning on some beautiful tunes, belting them out with all of my might creates a purity in the soul. So, maybe it’s time to blast the speakers and let it out! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

  One Response to “Pure Joy”

  1. The bathroom is always a good place to start

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