Mar 122021

So, the last time I wrote was nearly a month ago; or rather about three weeks already…. My great intentions of writing more for myself have gotten sucked up into magazine work as we are building it up in different ways, work to pay for the magazine, and getting settled into the actual reason that we decided to move to southern France in the first place – the sun and fun!

First, an update: I was denied my application to the silent meditation retreat. I suppose that there are quite a few applicants built up from a year of COVID and numerous other factors. Perhaps it is a sign that it’s not the right time now, or even ever. We shall see. I could apply for the next one, but as our place of residence has become a point of discussion, I think that the saying that “all things work out for a reason” is true in this case.

As for other things going on:

  • Work has been work – not really busy per se, but enough to pay the bills that need paying.
  • The Universal Asian – is growing and expanding into paid online events in collaboration with others in the TUA community, but this means a lot of backend work on my part with the much appreciated help of a small handful of people (whom I do pay).
  • Socializing – By magic, luck, etc. I have met a wonderful group of ladies that have formulated our social circle. Every weekend is basically spent one someone’s for a meal, drinks, and the men play petanque / boule aka “old man game”. During the week, I’ve been meeting the ladies at least once a week. Before, it was lunch or a chat, but this week we started a yoga class. So, for the first time in about three years, I’m back at the front of the mats and it felt great.
  • Enjoying Spring! – At last, the weather is starting to shift. Flowers are in bloom, people are out on Market Days, the sun is shining and warm most days; in other words, allergy season has arrived! πŸ˜›

So, all is well overall. While I feel somewhat stressed on the inside, from the outside I have absolutely nothing to complain about. Therefore, this means that I just need to breathe, pause, smell the flowers (before I sneeze), and enjoy the moments as they are…. for now, anyway! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

  One Response to “Feverishly Sprung”

  1. Yoga sounds so much better then a group of people sitting in silence.

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