Sep 012021
  • Happiness today is a sense of accomplishment
    reflecting on how the last year has went,
    but also taking a break
    to see what will awake
    for more success
    in feeling more, not less.
  • Happiness today is setting aside time for me
    and letting the mind and body just be
    focused on with a massage
    without a worry or concern about my visage.
  • Happiness today is a good night’s sleep
    waking up and out of the deep,
    fully rested for the day ahead
    and getting out of the right side of the bed.
  • Happiness today is the grey Monday morning
    that focuses one to work inside without a sense of forlorning
    that usually comes
    when one prefers to play in the sun.
  • Happiness today is the realization of a routine
    that has become natural again, if you what what I mean?
    The tea preparations made
    and the mat is laid
    to start the day
    in a positive way.
  • Happiness today is a sense of fulfilling
    the life purpose that is developing
    to be in the spirit that inspires
    others to aspire
    and be
    the greatest human they can see.
  • Happiness today is reconnecting with a friend
    with whom one was unsure if the connection was at an end
    because life has ups and downs
    but changes occur in leaps and bounds;
    so to reconnect
    does positively the soul affect.
  • Happiness today is believing in myself and my convictions
    so as not to be led by others’ predilections
    toward drawing lines requiring one to decide
    rather than respecting a different side
    for life is not about disparity
    but rather in acknowledging our unity.
  • Happiness today is having a sense of connection
    with others even though I’d rather be in my own section
    most of the time – still finding what unites us
    can be worth all the fuss.
  • Happiness today is enjoying the quiet
    away from the voices that riot
    from time and space in my mind
    and taking the time to myself be kind.
  • Happiness today is the starting of the week
    laying plans that will undoubtedly need to be tweaked,
    but still there is excitement in what is ahead
    enough, to get this one out of bed.
  • Happiness today is waking up feeling okay
    despite an evening of libations and laughing away
    with newish friends in the town
    during the spring jazz festival time getting down.
  • Happiness today is feeling heard
    to be given time to sit and listen to the birds
    and surround myself in the calm
    before all the bells alarm!

  One Response to “Happiness in June”

  1. It’s good to hear some positive thoughts and a down to earth ideas about your look at life.

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