May 312022

One might think that posting here on a somewhat regular basis – though in waves of consistency and inconsistency – would be enough for me. It seems this is not so.

When I decided that this was the year for me to really put into action my dream of writing and being a writer, I wanted to make some separation in my writing spaces. This blog has been my personal ongoing release to readers known and unknown about my life and views of the world. However, not everything I share here might be appropriate for an intentional audience. Plus, most of the time, this space is semi-unfiltered and unrefined in the finished product.

Therefore, I have started a more “formal” space with specific topics – mostly on writing – on Medium, which is a platform used by many writers with the same intention: targeted topics to build an audience base. So, I thought that I would share it on here just in case it is of interest.

I also have another “blog” where I try to share my novel or creative writing as well as update on posts from Medium. That blog/site will also be the home of my Book Coaching information when I manage to finish the certification and training process. I’m going slowly but surely through that.

Here is that site:

While I have actually been somewhat hesitant to cross the lines between my public writing persona and my personal one, as shared here, I realize that I need to embrace both versions of me. I will admit that I have started writing under a completely different name that I will not share and will not publicly share articles written with that name as anonymity is needed for my sake as well as that of my friends and family who may be impacted/affected by what I share in those pieces. It has been with lots of consideration as to whether or not I would do that, but some topics are far too personal, controversial, or politically influenced to be safely directly associated with an individual. As it is often an experience that a writer wants to share, I now appreciate why pseudonyms are used as a writer. I mean if JK Rowling and Stephen King can write under different names, surely I can too, right?! πŸ˜›

So, there you have it – I seem to have lots of words to spread around in the digital space!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈŽ

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