Feb 012023

Where does time go? I know it is such a cliche thing to say and yet we do all always mean it when we say it, right? I do not lament out of age, but out of my desire to always want to be doing more. I wonder where this sense of wanting to do more or needing to feel productive comes from. Is it a natural human need or is it particular to certain personality types?

In any case, that is a rather deep question to get into for the moment. Thus, I shall avert and evade for now.

January proved to be busy in the end. I spent some time in France and we ended the month/started this one with a visit from D, whom we haven’t seen since Christmas 2019. Plus, my workload saw more busy days than not with today being no different.

Yet, despite all that, I got quite a lot of writing projects completed. One paid article is off to press. Another article where I submit regularly went live. Both of these under my pseudonym. Then, I sent in a poetry submission. Plus, my first manuscript for a non-fiction book series has just been sent off to edits with a self-/hybrid publisher. My blogging has maintained consistency. As if that weren’t enough, I’ve added another writing space with my Substack, launching it today with an invitation for fellow writers/creatives to join me in getting into a schedule/routine as I also work in my monthly letters – probably mid-monthly. So, when I look back on all that, it’s no wonder that I have a sense of tension around me that I wasn’t able to put my finger on until I typed it all out.

On the plus side, my creative itch is fully satisfied. I am writing textbooks for an English language company explaining grammar – a love of mine. I am writing in numerous other places besides here on top of that, so I am rather excited for what this coming month will bring! Stay tuned!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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